Saturday, March 29, 2008

Cheap diaper solution during the day

Posted by sayangkucomel at 4:23 PM
This is what I used for my 9 months daughter during the day:

Traditional squared lampin + diaper cover sold in dept. stores (carrefour, testco, anakku, parkson, etc.)

RM 2.70 per lampin + RM 8 for Pureen S-sized cover

This can only last for 3-4 hours for my baby since the lampin isn't that very absorbent compared to terrycloth insert/soaker.

The cover comes in different sizes with prices ranging from RM 7 - RM 15 depending on the brand. Available brands that i've seen so far are: Anakku, Pureen, Kiko

This cover also has pocket covered with net-typed fabric. It's best you use diaper liner with these because or else it's hard to remove the stain from babies poop.

But do take note that this cover doesn't last too long. After using it everyday, the plastic that covers the inner side of the diaper can tear easily at the stitch line. I've been using them for 3 months + and this happened recently. However, i still use them as the tear isn't that long.

My daughter wearing the diaper type above:



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