Saturday, March 8, 2008

Baby Signs Malaysia

Posted by sayangkucomel at 3:47 PM
Was referred to this from someone else. Thought that it was interesting to try after reading through their webpage, but the place is in KL. Quite far. Here's some excerpt from their page:

"Some of you may be new to the idea of teaching babies signs or gestures before they talk and still others may not even believe that babies can actually do this. However, with the Baby Signs® Program, you too can enjoy the benefits of early communication with your little one. We offer a variety of Classes and Products to fit your needs and offer the support and guidance you need to successfully communicate with your baby. The purpose of the Baby Signs® Program is to provide educational programs and resources to promote public awareness of the benefits of using the Baby Signs® Program program with infants and toddlers.

So stop wondering what your baby is thinking and start working towards opening the doors of communication and join the thousands of parents around the world who are discovering the Baby Signs® Program - The World's Leading Sign Language Program for Babies!"

It would be a good time to start this with Husna since she is still a baby.


Unknown on July 27, 2009 at 5:30 AM said...

I am only offering my horses for sale usa due to genuine reasons.


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