Sunday, January 17, 2010

CDing and Going GREEN in Malaysia

Posted by sayangkucomel at 6:26 PM
I remembered how I started my journey with CDing. I was doing some searching and somehow landed on this particular topic, by coincidence. Frankly speaking, what attracted me most in the beginning was not how 'green' it was but instead the long run investment saving plan.. sounds like a bank saving account plan.. haha.. CD being 'healthier/clinically safe and save the environment' was a second factor.. that doesn't mean i'm a pro Green House-Effect.. Of course I want what's best for our environment and Earth.. :)

At that time, modern CDing in Malaysia was not popularly known, i think... and there were only online shops selling those cool,trendy CDs.. forget about that squared kain lampin.. that was available since ages ago.. and there were only 1 local brand that i've heard of at that time (Freshbots). Most of the CDs were largely imported and hence the price were quite expensive (> RM 50). However, now I think the situation has changed. CDs were featured a few times in local paper and mags.. and at the same time, it seems that the CD community in Malaysia has expanded.. This is truly a good sign and hopefully will help make the Earth a better place to live!

Moreover, going GREEN is something that is being considered seriously by the gov. One effort I know is the initiative to introduce the 'no bag plastics' day done in Penang and recently in Selangor on the following days:
Penang - Mon to Wed
Selangor - Saturday

I usually do my grocery shopping on the weekends. For now, I don't see much of a difference. :) But slowly, I guess they're going to hit it off on banning the plastics altogether.. since it originally was imposed on Monday but now has spread to Tue and Wed too! I guess i need to find a box and place it in my car trunk.. in case i might need it someday.. If not, i guess I have to push the shopping cart all the way to my house! (haha.. like that's going to happen!)



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