Saturday, February 16, 2008

Cloth Diaper Types

Posted by sayangkucomel at 11:17 PM
There are 4 major types of Cloth Diaper:


- Requires a wrap or a cover
- May require a fastener such as pins or a snappi
- Usually made of cotton, gauze, Birdseye flannel, hemp, or velour.
- This are made of fabric and is almost similar to the traditional
cloth diapers except that the middle part of it is a bit thicker


- Requires a wrap or a cover
- Usually fastens with snaps or hook and loop (velcro), sometimes
a snappi or pins may be used.
- Outer and inner layers are not waterproof and may consist of
many different fabrics types.
- A doubler will increase absorbency.
- Usually has elastic and legs and back area.
- Made from a variety of materials: organic cotton, bamboo, hemp,
terry cloth, sherpa
- Example: Freshbots EASI Fitted


- Does not requires a wrap or a cover - this feature is built in.
- Usually fastens with snaps or hook and loop (velcro)
- Outer layer is waterproof...usually made with PUL, Procare,
fleece, or wool.
- Requires and absorbent stuffer material to be placed in the
pocket before use.
- Usually has elastic and legs and back area.
- Example: Freshbots DryZ One-Size, Fuzzi Bunz


- Does not requires a wrap or a cover - this feature is built in.
- Usually fastens with snaps or hook and loop (velcro)
- Outer layer is waterproof...usually made with PUL, Procare,
fleece, or wool.
- A doubler will increase absorbency since it already has a soaker
- Usually has elastic and legs and back area.


Prefolds and Fitted diapers require the use of a diaper cover since their materials are not waterproof. Meanwhile, Pocket and AIO have outer layer that is waterproof. However, since AIO has its soaker sewn inside the pocket-like structure, it will take longer drying time. Whereas, the soakers/inserts in pocket diapers can be washed separately which result in a faster drying time.

There are 2 sizing options for Cloth Diapers (Excluding PREFOLDS):


This is when the diapers come in its individual sizes of S, M, L. Most of the types the diapers are only available in standard size. This is partly because the sizing of these cloth diapers are 'generous'. Unlike disposable diapers, where user tend to upgrade sizes quickly, the range of a specific cloth diaper size is bigger than what the dispos can cover. So, for example, if your child wears a size M dispos, he/she might still be on an S size with cloth diaper. Example: Fuzzi Bunz


This is when the diaper can be adjusted to cater the 3 different sizes (S, M, L). This is usually done by adjusting the rise of the diaper through the use of snaps. For example, take a look at Freshbots DryZ One-Size. Aside from adjusting the waist, there are also method for adjusting the rise of diaper.

The advantage of One-size diapers are that they can be used for a long time, starting from the small setting until toddler. However, it may be bulky when placed on a small/medium setting, especially for pocket diapers. Sometimes, babies that are premature/newborn and large babies may not fit them and they might also outgrow the diapers faster than expected (if your baby is one of those chubby-typed babies :) ).



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