Sunday, March 28, 2010

Earth Hour

Posted by sayangkucomel at 6:51 PM 2 comments
I've just realized that I didn't post anything in Feb. How fast time flies.. Must be because of my morning sickness that I ended up not having any energy to spend my days well... It's prob because of aging?? I've noticed that this is so far the most difficult pregnancy journey that I have to undergo comparing it to how it were for my first 2 children.. Anyway.. hope it's going to be well after the next month or so, insha Allah..

Anyway, there was a major Earth Hour call yesterday, Sat 27th 2010. And I simply missed it... was having a bad day with migraine that I dozed off with an empty stomach at 9pm without realizing it.. I wonder though why is the Earth Hour made yesterday when Earth Day is instead about a month away.. April 22nd isn't it??

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