Saturday, May 17, 2008

Does Cloth Diaper leads to early Potty Trained Child?

Posted by sayangkucomel at 11:08 AM
Many Cloth Diaper websites have mentioned that Cloth Diapered babies tend to be potty trained earlier than normal. Is this really true? How early is early?

Personally, I don't think this is always true. I heard of babies potty-trained early without the use of Cloth Diapers. My son started potty trained at the age of 1 year 11 months..close to 2 years. By that time he can signaled that he wanted to pee. But to be cautious, we would always ask him afraid that he might forget until he was a bit older. He was not using cloth diapers at that time. When he sleeps, we would put him in disposables and when he's awake, he'll only wear shorts. Although he was potty trained, we still put him diapers when he sleeps because we were afraid of urine leaks. And as he gets older, he drank more therefore we always used those thick expensive diaper (mamy poko) so that it last longer at night.

I only came across the new pocket cloth diapers when he was 2 years 6 months. After discovering the cloth diapers, we stopped buying disposables for him and used cloth diapers (CD) each time when he sleeps. I tried sewing a potty training pants/brief for him, but he mistook that for a diaper. So, he accidentally pee in it. Due to this, i didn't put on any potty training pants on him. When he was 2 years 11 months i decided to stop using diapers on him completely just because i thought it's time he learn not to use diapers when going to sleep. I tried asking for advice on how to completely potty trained when child is sleeping, but didn't get any good and satisfying answers. With that, in the middle of the night or before he goes to sleep I will bring him to the toilet to pee. I should have done this earlier since he started potty training earlier, but i guess i was just too lazy. :)

Because of this, i don't think if your baby is using CD it will always lead to the baby being potty trained early. Most of it comes from the parents. Even without using cloth diapers, the baby can be trained earlier and vice versa. But there are also cases where the CD do contribute to potty training.



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